Gene list


  Number Gene Gene Symbol Method of Isolation Chr Locus ID (MSU) MH63 ID ZS97 ID Same or not in MH63 and ZS97 Function
  154 Rice cytokinin receptor OsCRL4 RT-PCR 12 LOC_Os12g26940 MH12g0260700 ZS12g0294100 Nonsynonymous OsCRL4 is probably a cytokininreceptor of the rice .
  156 Chromogen gene for anthocyanin C Map based clone 6 C MH06g0125900 ZS06g0119900 Collinear Chromogen gene for anthocyanin
  158 Magnaporthe grisea resistance-36 Pi36 Map based clone 8 Pi36 NA ZS08g0055600 PAV A gene that determines resistance to Chinese isolates of rice blast and that has been located to a 17-kb interval on chromosome 8.
  164 Gibberellin 20-oxidase gene OsGA20ox1; qEPD2 T-DNA 3 LOC_Os03g63970 MH03g0764200 ZS03g0824300 Same Gibberellin 20-oxidase gene
  167 BR-deficient dwarf2; DIMINUTO/DWARF1 brd2 RT-PCR 10 NA MH10g0258600 ZS10g0307700 Collinear BR-deficient dwarf2; DIMINUTO/DWARF1
  171 Semi-dwarfed gene AtBAK1 RT-PCR NA LOC_Os08g07760 MH08g0090000 ZS08g0087600 Same OsSERK genes, including OsBAK1, affects normal growth and leaf development of rice
  175 Bentazon sensitive lethal;Cytochrome P450 bel; CYP81A6;bsl Map based clone 3 LOC_Os03g55240 MH03g0674500 ZS03g0709600 Collinear Associated with resistance to herbicides in rice.
  188 No pollen gene Osnop Mutant 6 LOC_Os06g40570 MH06g0578100 ZS06g0530200 Same Osnop gene plays a role in male gametophyte development and most likely encodes a C2-GRAM domain-containing protein
  191 Oryza sativa myosin XI B osmyoXIB cDNA clone 2 NA MH02g0697800 ZS02g0706600 Same Oryza sativa myosin XI B
  195 MULTIPLE SPOROCYTE 1 OsMSP1 PCR clone 1 LOC_Os01g68870 MH01g0759600 ZS01g0761200 Nonsynonymous MSP1 product plays crucial roles in restricting the number of cells entering into male and female sporogenesis and in initiating anther wall formation in rice.