Gene list


  Number Gene Gene Symbol Method of Isolation Chr Locus ID (MSU) MH63 ID ZS97 ID Same or not in MH63 and ZS97 Function
  1631 Vernalization insensitive 1-like protein OsVIL1 Mutant 8 LOC_Os08g12430 MH08g0152300 NA PAV Flowering
  1632 Vernalization insensitive 4-like protein OsVIL4 Mutant 5 LOC_Os05g05310 MH05g0049900 ZS05g0052700 Same Flowering
  1633 Exonuclease 1 OsEXO1 Mutant 1 LOC_Os01g56940 MH01g0627000 ZS01g0638400 Nonsynonymous Cell proliferation
  1634 PROTON GRADIENT REGULATION 5 PGR5 Knockdown 8 LOC_Os08g45190 MH08g0573100 ZS08g0657400 Same Redox homeostasis
  1638 GTP,P-Loop GTPase OsYchF1 cDNA clone 8 LOC_Os08g09940 MH08g0119400 ZS08g0122100 Same P-Loop GTPase
  1639 GTP,GTPase-activating protein OsGAP1 cDNA clone 2 LOC_Os02g22130 MH02g0244000 ZS02g0249700 Divergent GTPase-activating protein
  1640 EscFERTILIZATION-INDEPENDENT ENDOSPERM1;Esc-like core component of the Polycomb repressive complex 2 OsFIE1; Epi-df Overexpression 8 LOC_Os08g04290 MH08g0046000 ZS08g0041500 Same Seed size
  1641 QTL;,phosphorus-starvation tolerance 1;protein kinase gene;Phosphorus uptake 1;enhancer of early root growth PSTOL1; Pup1 Other 12 NA MH12g0258200 NA PAV Enhancer of early root growth;tolerance of phosphorus
  1642 ZIM;TIFYjasmonate ZIM-domain protein;TIFY family gene OsJAZ8; OsTIFY10c Mutant 9 LOC_Os09g26780 MH09g0349300 ZS09g0306500 Same Resistance to Xoo
  1643 Plasma membrane intrinsic protein OsPIP1;2 Overexpression 4 LOC_Os04g47220 MH04g0572500 ZS04g0666900 Collinear Plasma membrane intrinsic protein